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Minggu, 29 November 2009

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Google and Keywords

Keyword Google

Buat mencari keyword tertentu di website tertentu saja
contoh site:www.kompas.com "Sandra Dewi" (bwat cari tau apakah kompas pernah membahas Sandra Dewi)

buat mencari keyword yang tertulis di URL, gak begitu berguna sih menurutku
contoh inurl:admin

Buat mencari halaman berdasarkan titelnya
contoh intitle:gay homoseksual >artinya mencari halaman berjudul gay yang didalamnya terdapat teks homoseksual

contoh allintitle:gay homoseksual >artinya mencari halaman yang dalam judulnya terdapat tulisan gay dan homoseksual

Tentu saja gunanya untuk menyempetikan pencarian hanya untuk filetype tertentu. Tidak semua filetype bisa digunakan, tetapi dokumen umum bisa dicari seperti pdf,doc,xls,ppt
contoh:filetype:doc "tugas akhir"

Mungkin kalian sudah tahu guna tanda ini, tapi ku bahas lagi -(minus) untuk mengekslusi atau menghindari ditampilkanya halaman tertentu contoh:tutorial adobe -word * untuk wildcard, tetapi bkan untuk wildcard huruf, hanya kata contoh:"ekonomi * indonesia" >akan mencari halaman yang berisi teks ekonomi politik indonesia atau ekonomi internasional indonesia atau ekonomi kerakyatan indonesia dan seterusnya...

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Web Email dan POP3 Email

1. Email berbasis SMTP/POP

Email berbasis SMTP/POP adalah e-mail yang menggunakan server SMTP/POP (Simple Mail transfer Protocol/Post Office Protocol), yaitu komputer server yang dapat mengirimkan email dari pengguna ke alamat e-mail yang dituju dan sebaliknya. Terdapat beberapa Software mail client yang bisa dipilih pada Windows, di antaranya MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, Pegasus, dan Netscape Communicator.

2. E-mail Berbasis Web

Email berbasis Web berbeda dengan e-mail berbasis POP. Pada e-mail berbasis Web, pengguna tidak perlu memiliki account POP pada server SMTP/POP karena akses e-mail dilakkan melalui Web dengan menggunakan salah satu program browser di Internet. Beberapa contoh Web Browser yang menyediakan layanan e-mail gratis di antaranya Yahoo (mail.yahoo.com), Google (gmail.google.com), Hotmail (www.hotmail.com), dan Bluebottle) (www.bluebottle.com).

Perbedaanya adalah :

1. POP email hanya dapat dibuka oleh komputer penggunasedangkan Web-based email dapat dilihat oleh siapa saja yangmemiliki aksesinternet.
2. POP3 lebih besar kapasitas penyimpanannya karena media untukmenampung email yang tersimpan di komputer pribadi ukurannya tidakterbatas. Sedangkan Web email menggunakan komputer orang lain(komputer server) yang dibatasi dalam kapasitas penyimpanannya.
3. Pada email berbasis pop3 kita dapat mengoperasikannya(membaca atau mengirim pesan elektronik) dalam keadaan offline,sedangkan pada email berbasis web pengoperasiannya selalu menuntutdalam kondisi Online ( dalam keadaan terkoneksi ke jaringanInternet).
4. Email berbasis pop3 banyak disediakan oleh ISP secaragratis. Sedangkan email berbasis web banyak disediakan secara gratisoleh website-website tertentu di Internet

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Minggu, 08 November 2009

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IP AddressIX

IP address is a logical address for a network adapter. The IP address uniquely identifies computers on a TCP/IP network.

An IP address can be private - for use on a LAN - or public - for use on the Internet or other WAN. IP addresses can be determined statically (assigned to a computer by a system administrator) or dynamically (assigned by another device on the network on demand).

Two IP addressing standards are in use today. The IPv4 standard is most familar to people and supported everywhere on the Internet, but the newer IPv6 standard is planned to replace it and starting to be deployed.

IPv4 addresses consist of four bytes (32 bits). Each byte of an IP address is known as an Octet. Octets can take any value between 0 and 255. Various conventions exist for the numbering and use of IP addresses

Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers

Binary and hexadecimal numbers are two alternatives to the traditional decimal numbers we use in daily life. Critical elements of computer networks like addresses, masks, and keys all involve binary or hexadecimal numbers. Understanding how such binary and hexadecimal numbers work is essential in building, troubleshooting, and programming any network.

Step to change IP address form from hexadecimal to binary :

a. divided the first number ( before first dot<.> ) of your decimal IP address until it remnant 1.
example :
  1. 192 : 2 = 96 remain 0
  2. 96 : 2 = 48 remain 0
  3. 48 : 2 = 24 remain 0
  4. 24 : 2 = 12 remain 0
  5. 12 : 2 = 6 remain 0
  6. 6 : 2 = 3 remain 0
  7. 3 : 2 = 1 remain 1
So the Binary Number of 192 is 11000000

To change the binary number into hexadecimal number :
example :
hexadecimal number of 10010001 is :
128 / 64 / 32 / 16 / 8 / 4 / 2 / 1
1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1

128 + 0 + 0 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 145
so its Easy for you to change binary numbers to hexadecimal numbers or hexadecimal numbers to binary numbers.

SubneT MasK

A subnet allows the flow of network traffic between hosts to be segregated based on a network configuration. By organizing hosts into logical groups, subnetting can improve network security and performance.

Perhaps the most recognizable aspect of subnetting is the subnet mask. Like IP addresses, a subnet mask contains four bytes (32 bits) and is often written using the same "dotted-decimal" notation. For example, a very common subnet mask in its binary representation

How to apply Subnet Mask

A subnet mask neither works like an IP address, nor does it exist independently from them. Instead, subnet masks accompany an IP address and the two values work together. Applying the subnet mask to an IP address splits the address into two parts, an "extended network address" and a host address.

For a subnet mask to be valid, its leftmost bits must be set to '1'. For example,

    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
is an invalid subnet mask because the leftmost bit is set to '0'.

Conversely, the rightmost bits in a valid subnet mask must be set to '0', not '1'. Therefore,

    11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
is invalid.

All valid subnet masks contain two parts: the left side with all mask bits set to '1' (the extended network portion) and the right side with all bits set to '0' (the host portion), such as the first example above.

IP Privat : Subnet Mask
  • A 10. 1-255. 1-255 .1-255 255. 0. 0. 0
  • B 172. 16-31. 1-255 .1-255 255. 255. 0. 0
  • C 192. 168. 1-255 .1-255 255. 255. 255. 0
  • A 1-126. 1-255. 1-255. 1-255
  • B 128-191. 1-255. 1-255. 1-255
  • C 192-223. 1-255. 1-255. 1-255
  • D 224-239. 1-255. 1-255. 1-255
  • E 240-255. 1-255. 1-255. 1-255

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